Accepting applications for the new academic session 2025-26. Check out the Admissions page for more information.

Pumpkin House Standards
Play and learning go hand in hand, each building on the other and together they help children develop socially, emotionally, physically and academically. Learning happens very easily when there is an emotionally safe and a rich, stimulating environment.
A continuous assessment of the child is done on a regular basis based on observation of the child’s pattern of work. Small anecdotes of a child’s daily routine and regular progress reports shared with the parents.
Joyful Experience
The most important and decisive factor is promoting the concept of joy in all its endeavours - be they natural, mental, social or emotional. For the all round development of a child it is essential that they do so with the full delight that comes with self awareness of sharing and caring, making it a joyful experience for both the teacher and the child.
Community Awareness
Parents play a crucial role in a child’s development and we at Pumpkin House encourage them to join us as partners in this exciting learning process. Development of a child’s mind and exposing it to thrilling new experiences is a three pronged effort involving the parent, child and teacher and it works best if we all pull in the same direction. Parents are invited for the school events and periodic parent teacher interaction and orientation on a regular basis. As such parents become an integral part of our school activities.
Pumpkin House provides twin methodologies; child oriented and teacher facilitated curriculum to ensure the all round development of the child, achieved through hands on activities appropriate to their age and finding solutions to problems. Following a theme every month, the curriculum is tweaked keeping in mind the children, encouraging individual as well as team based learning among the children.
Pumpkin House teachers are patient, creative, dedicated, compassionate and loving and deal with the emotional and physical needs of the children patiently and lovingly. Share a good rapport with their colleagues and parents. Regular in house training sessions for teachers. The teachers manage the classrooms and children well and try to be perfect role models for the little ones. Every effort is made by the teachers to make the activities fun and interesting.
Relationship with Parents
Parents play a crucial role in a child’s development and we at Pumpkin House encourage them to join us as partners in this exciting learning process. Development of a child’s mind and exposing it to thrilling new experiences is a three pronged effort involving the parent, child and teacher and it works best if we all pull in the same direction. Pumpkin House is fully aware of the importance of parents in a child’s school life, especially his/her first experience of a school. We lay emphasis on regular communication through mails and messages. We invite parents from different professions to come & talk to the children & share their experiences at work. Parents are invited for the school events and periodic parent teacher interaction and orientation on a regular basis. As such parents become an integral part of our school activities.