Accepting applications for the new academic session 2025-26. Check out the Admissions page for more information.

Play way & Montessori Method of Teaching
Pumpkin House believes that teacher facilitated and child oriented curriculum is best suited to prepare a child for the adventure of lifelong love for learning. Here they are involved in meaningful, challenging, enjoyable & goal oriented activities in which they can be successful and thus develop positive feelings about themselves. Here, we encourage the young ones to find out answers themselves through the process of discovery. The first three years of a child’s life sees the most rapid changes than at any other time, due to all the new experiences the child has. He/she is constantly asking ‘why’ and ‘how’ as at this time the brain is most flexible and prepared to learn. These early learning experiences are crucial determining factors and will ultimately affect how a child will performs later in mainstream schooling. The focus of our programs is on building on the language ability, logical reasoning, numeric ability, scientific thought, problem solving and cognitive development of the child.
Art is a beautiful way for children to learn to express themselves. We believe in facilitating this way of learning where children are able to let their emotions run freely in the form of beautiful colours and textures.
Music helps develop children's language skills, children's self-esteem, listening skills, math skills, relieves stress, makes transitions easier and encourages creativity in children. Moreover, it is a gift for life!
Movement forms an integral part of a child’s life at this stage where they are ever ready to explore things around them. Keeping this in mind, learning through movement finds a very important place in our daily routines, be it though action songs, fun outdoor/indoor games, simple hopping, climbing up and down or dancing to music.
Children at this young age are like sponges absorbing everything they see and hear around them. Therefore, the best way for children to improve their vocabulary is by letting them converse in a language of their choice and then waiting for them to open up to other languages around them. A stimulating environment full of words in the form of general conversations, stories, songs and books is what we make use of to help the children with their language development.
Number Skills
Numbers can be found all around us. However, children at this age need a little direction in making sense of what numbers mean. We facilitate this learning through hands on activities of associating numbers with their quantity, understanding pre-math skills through everyday fun activities and make numbers fun for them.
Outside Play
All learning at this age, be it life skills or otherwise, happens through play. Hence, outdoor playtime finds a very important place in our schedules. Children learn to share and take turns using play equipment with friends, learn to stay safe while outside, develop their social skills and also learn values like empathy, making choices, being mindful of the environment around us and developing their physical abilities. Organised games help the children improve their listening and hand-eye coordination too, all while having fun!
Enrichment Programmes

‘Little Music Makers’ sessions are based on the recognition that all children are musical. Yes, all children can learn to sing in time, keep a beat and participate with confidence in the music, provided that their early environment supports such learning. The one hour class is a class of dance and music- exercise for body, mind & soul. Kids will learn to use early age instrument – egg shakers, tambourines, maracas, musical triangles and sticks. The ‘Music and Move’ approach develops every child’s birthright of basic music competence (keep a beat and singing in time) by encouraging the playful spontaneous experiencing of music rather than the learning of concepts of information about music. Music is fun and contributes to a positive, relaxed and happy atmosphere and this is what we want for our very young children!
Seasonal Camps
A much awaited programme of the year, the Summer Slam, hosted by Pumpkin House since 2003, comprises of crafty ideas, potters wheel, music & drama, culinary skills, science experiments, adventure activities & much more.
The camp is enjoyed by children of all age groups (2 to 8 years old)